Spring (aka Winter) season will start January 9, with a meeting at 6:15pm followed by the first night of bowling. If you plan to bowl with us (and haven’t already) please fill out our survey
Draft Rules to be voted at the meeting.
- Warm-up at 6:30, competition at 6:40
- USBC certification is $25 and runs from August 1, 2024 through July 31, 2025 (if you bowled with us in the fall season you won’t need to pay again)
- Join online at bowl.com/join to use a credit card
- select “Capital Area USBC” as the local association
- based on past experience we recommend *not* checking the box to “not be searchable” but if you must, please note your ID number since we need that for league registration
- In-person we can only accept cash or check (to “Capital Area USBCA”)
- Join online at bowl.com/join to use a credit card
- Bowling fees will be $20/night
- Final two nights (extra $40) must be pre-paid by the third night of bowling.
- If you don’t have a team we can find you one at the meeting.
- Do you want a shirt? Check our new printify store! (all items sold at cost, there is no profit baked in). If you don’t see the size or style you like please contact us with what you need and we will try to add it.
Kings and Queens is the longest-running LGBTQ league in the Carolinas and has bowlers of all skill levels. We always have a lot of fun and we hope you can join us, whether you are a beginner or long-time bowler. If you have any questions, please email us at kingsqueensbowling@gmail.com or contact via our Facebook Page.